The Short Course
in Mindful
Feeling Stressed and Overwhelmed?
Try Some Self-Compassion!
Do away with feelings of inadequacy, guilt, and
overwhelm—in just 6 weeks!
Become someone who is self-loving, mindful, and joyful about life! In just 6 weeks, you’ll have increased compassion for yourself and others! This research-based Short Course in Mindful Self-Compassion (SC-MSC) Course will provide you with powerful tools to help you become emotionally resilient even in the most difficult of times.
By using kindness, compassion, and understanding with yourself, you can experience life with a greater ease and well-being.
Does it ever feel like family relationships, the balance of work and home, and the stressors of day-to-day responsibilities take all the energy you can muster?
Do you feel constantly guilty about things that you didn’t get done and blame yourself for not being more organized? Do you constantly think you should be more in shape, more successful, and blame yourself for lack of willpower?
You don’t need to feel like this. You deserve the same love and compassion you have for others and it is possible to feel peace and calm in even stressful circumstances.
Not only do you deserve to feel worthy and excited about your opportunities ahead in life, but your loved ones will also benefit. Everyone will enjoy being around a more positive, self-loving version of you (not someone who is filled with anger, sadness, or confusion).
As women, we are caring and compassionate to others, but for multiple reasons, we often don’t give ourselves the same treatment. The media is crowded with articles and advice surrounding self-care but most of us constantly struggle to carve out time for this, leaving us with yet one more thing to feel guilty about!
It’s time to stop this cycle and commit to prioritizing compassion for yourself. This is a life-changing decision to provide yourself with a powerful tool to enhance your emotional well-being.
Imagine a shift that you’ll use forever going forward after finally deciding to carve out just a couple of hours a week for yourself.

In just 6 weeks, you can feel happier, less anxious, less down or frustrated with yourself, and more motivated to tackle healthy lifestyle habits.
This is more than self-care, it’s a transformative course where you’ll be given lifelong practical ways to improve your coping mechanisms, outlook, and how you relate to yourself. You will be positioned to tackle challenges with confidence and make healthy lifestyle choices.
Through the Mindful Self-Compassion Short Course, you will discover (or rediscover) what it feels like to be living a life that feels meaningful and peaceful. Instead of beating yourself up with negative self-talk and criticism (which is exhausting!), you will become your own loving guide on how to feel happy and motivated to enjoy what life has to offer.
Burgeoning research shows that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional well-being, coping with life challenges, lower levels of anxiety and depression, healthy habits such as diet and exercise, and more satisfying personal relationships. It is an inner strength that enables us to be more fully human—more fully ourselves. Fortunately, self-compassion can be learned by anyone, even those of us who did not learn these skills as children.
It is time for us, as women, to give ourselves
the same compassionate support that we give to others.
Once we discover how to practice mindful self-compassion, it also strengthens our relationships with others. Patience and compassion replace what was once irritation and quick, emotionally charged reactions.
Sure, you could just schedule a bubble bath or massage once a week (and that still sounds lovely!), but this is so much more than that. Participation in this 6-week course will have longer lasting effects. Once you sign up, plan to:
and apply self-compassion practices. Motivate yourself with kindness and encouragement rather
than self-criticism.
the capacity to deal with life’s challenges through self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
core self-compassion practices into daily life.
If dreams and goals that used to excite you have started fading into thoughts that you no longer even entertain, you aren’t living your best life. This isn’t how you’re supposed to feel! Let’s recalibrate. You deserve this.
By committing to focus each week for 6 weeks, you can spend your future free from negative self-talk and frustration, and armed with self-compassion. I know my life changed when I learned to do just that!
I went from coping with my feelings and extreme stress by binging on Netflix and emotional eating (sound familiar to anyone?), to using mindfulness and self-compassion daily. I now use my education on mindfulness to teach other women, while also caring for my husband and busy family, and living a vibrant life that is full of self-care and compassion.
Before learning these tools of mindfulness and self compassion, I felt stuck and didn't know how to help myself. Shonda taught me many helpful tools and supported me as I used those tools to form habits of self-care and move forward in my life.
– D.S. in Tennessee
As caregivers to partners, children, and aging parents, women often spend years focusing on others. Somewhere around mid-life, we realize that some of these responsibilities are changing. Too often, the changes during this time also leave us frustrated and directionless. You may be at a loss now as to how to reach new goals, or maybe you don’t even know what those goals are!
If any of the above sounds familiar, the Short Course in Mindful Self-Compassion is here for you at the perfect time.
What you can expect from this 6-week course:
The empirically-supported 6-week Mindful Self-Compassion Short Course is designed to begin the cultivation of the skills of self-compassion. MSC was developed by Dr. Kristin Neff, PhD, the pioneering researcher in the field of self-compassion, and Dr. Christopher Germer, PhD, a leader in the integration of mindfulness, compassion, and psychotherapy.

● Stop being so hard on yourself
● Handle difficult emotions with greater ease
● Motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticism
● Transform difficult relationships, both old and new
● Adopt mindfulness and self-compassion for home and everyday life
● Learn the theory and research behind mindful self-compassion
● Become your own best friend and listen to your true inner voice
Activities (Online):
● Short talks
● Experiential exercises and meditations
● Group discussion
● Home practices
Meditation experience is not necessary to participate in this Mindful Self-Compassion Short Course. SC-MSC is an opportunity to explore how we typically respond when difficulties arise in our lives and to learn tools for becoming a warm and supportive companion to ourselves. This online, abridged version of the 8 week Mindful Self-Compassion program was developed for those short on time and could not engage in the longer 2 1/2 hour weekly in person classes. SC-MSC classes are 60-75 minutes
Investment: $247
Your teacher:

Shonda Palmer is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, teacher in training through the Center of Mindful Self-Compassion, and Qi Gong teacher. She lives in San Diego, CA on a small hobby farm with her husband of 30 years and various farm animals including chickens and llamas. She finds great joy in helping women feel peace and calm through meditation, self-care, and self-compassion.